Your Sophrologist

I have been working in the tourism industry, more specifically in the events organisation and the airport field for nearly 30 years. In contact with the public, I have done various interpersonal trainings including ‘how to communicate with difficult clients’ , ‘how to communicate effectively across cultures’ and ‘transactional analysis’. 

I discovered Sophrology when a very dear friend of mine developped a fatale illness. I could see how much that method helped her and her sister’s accompaniment. I was also at that time, ready to make a new start in my professional life. This lead to my decision to follow my aspirations and to give a priority to my human qualities and values.

In 2017/2018 beside my work at Nice airport, I went to l’Académie de Sophrologie in Paris, to study how to become a Sophrologist. Created in 1991 by Dr Patrick-André Chéné and recognized in 1993  by Pr Alfonso Caycédo the founder of Sophrology. 

In 2022 I passed the Certification professionnelle enregistrée au Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP).

I keep my training by following new professional programs :

the MBSR program (Mindfullness Based Stress Reduction)

Self confidence and sophrology

My regular practices of yoga and qi gong reinforces the basics of sophrology.

As a wellness professional I respect the code of ethics of which here is an extract :

‘Sophrology is a human science related to so-called unconventional alternative medicine that is distinct from the health professions. It is in no way a substitute for any medical or therapeutic treatment whatsoever.’